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مكافحة الفساد: شعار المرحلة | Fighting Corruption: From Slogan to Reality?

مكافحة الفساد: شعار المرحلة | Fighting Corruption: From Slogan to Reality?

Interviews with current members of Lebanese Parliament, asking them about their views on anti-corruption initiatives and what should be done moving forward.

نوّاب لبنانيون يتحدثون عن موضوع مكافحة الفساد وأهم المبادرات التي يجب اتّخاذها لمحاربة هذه الآفة

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infactleb.org is an online specialized platform to share all issues related to accountability and good governance in Lebanon and to promote informed public debate regarding rule of law, corruption, transparency, accountability, and citizen’s participation in decision-making in Lebanon.

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