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مكافحة الفساد: شعار المرحلة | Fighting Corruption: From Slogan to Reality?

مكافحة الفساد: شعار المرحلة | Fighting Corruption: From Slogan to Reality?

Interviews with current members of Lebanese Parliament, asking them about their views on anti-corruption initiatives and what should be done moving forward.

نوّاب لبنانيون يتحدثون عن موضوع مكافحة الفساد وأهم المبادرات التي يجب اتّخاذها لمحاربة هذه الآفة

Building a Rule of Law Society

Building a Rule of Law Society

As part of its work on good governance under BALADI CAP (the USAID-funded program that aims to build the capacity of civil society organizations in Lebanon), the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP) published an online report titled “Building a Rule of Law Society: to Enhance Bases of Democratic Governance and Rule of Law” in June 2018.  The report aims to support the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Ministry of Health in implementing laws, adopting three laws: Read More “Building a Rule of Law Society”

Workshop on Electoral Dispute Resolution

Workshop on Electoral Dispute Resolution

On June 15, 2017, the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP), in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, held a workshop at the Lebanese Parliament in Beirut, titled “Electoral Disputes Resolution in Lebanon: The Current Procedures and Future Perspective” which addressed the processes of dispute resolution pre, during and post elections. Read More “Workshop on Electoral Dispute Resolution”

Launch of Baldati Madinati Campaign

Launch of Baldati Madinati Campaign

ArabiaGIS and Sakker el-Dekkaneh, in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Jezzine and MP Ghassan Moukheiber, organized a press conference at the Smallville Hotel, Badaro on September 18 to launch the first part of Baldati Madinati.  The campaign, which falls under Baladi Cap, aims to promote transparency, good governance, and open-access to information, as well as build communication networks between citizens and five municipalities within the Jezzine administrative district: Bkassine, Haitoura, Roum, Qaitouli, and Jezzine. Read More “Launch of Baldati Madinati Campaign”

Youth for Participatory and Accountable Municipalities

Youth for Participatory and Accountable Municipalities

The Lebanese Transparency Association – No Corruption in partnership with the Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA), and Youth Initiative have launched the ‘Youth for Participatory and Accountable Municipalities’ project, funded by USAID through BALADI CAP. The project aims at enhancing the participation of the youth in demanding accountability at the Municipal level, in order to improve Municipal operations. This project will be implemented in: Chwaya (South Lebanon), Nimreen (North Lebanon), and Majdal Anjar (Bekaa) for the period of 11 months.

Goal: Promote citizen participation in local decision-making to enhance good governance practices.

Beneficiaries: 60 individuals within the Youth Committees (30 male, 30 female) and 45 municipal officials.

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